
Our Curriculum promotes Five aspects of achievements :


The ability to improve physical and mental health with an active lifestyle through daily exercise​


The ability to apply knowledge through practical tasks and problem solving skills​​


The ability to express oneself in oral and written form ​​


The ability to work with others and take on a leadership role within a group


The ability to work with others and take on a leadership role within a group

Our school curriculum encourages students to be academically inquisitive and to take initiatives as they move into a more structured phase of life ahead.

All-Round Development

The school fosters all-round development of students by providing a range of activity based program that is rooted in Indian values and ethos but at the same time open to imbibing the best practices from the world over with a view to enrich learners.

Cutting Edge Practises

The school continuously adopts cutting-edge practices to improve the effectiveness of learning outcome of each child. Towards this end, the school has recently sought the services of a renowned education consultancy, Cambridge Education Partnership, UK to revisit and improve the existing good practices further with an eye on bench marking the pedagogy to International standards by orienting the students and educators by continuous and rigorous training.

Excellent Results

The school has established an enviable reputation for academic achievements by producing outstanding results in the MSBSHSE board examinations. The school has been producing 100 % results in both the SSC and HSC examinations for the last two decades and is committed to maintaining its unblemished track record in the years to come. The students, who have come out with flying colours in the board examinations have obtained admissions in prestigious colleges in Maharashtra. The splendid achievements of students have been possible due to the collective efforts of the management, staff and students.