Teachers are preparing lessons which focus on learning and they are increasingly able to review their strengths and areas of development, addressing the latter with support or learning from best practice.
Teachers are able to utilise a range of assessment techniques to ensure they continually build on what pupils know, do and understand.
Assessment for Learning (AfL) provides clarity to all lessons as well as helping pupils to review their progress.
Learning environments maximize space, provide resources and support materials to enable effective learning.
The school develops a pedagogy for the Early Years which increasingly allows children to learn through discovery and activity.
The school develops links with schools in the International studies.
To continually improve the quality of each teacher’s teaching by developing an agreed teaching framework, which will be the core reference document, and introducing monitoring processes which link to targeted and whole school professional development.
Develop an appraisal process for all staff linked to a systematic approach to delivering professional development.
Develop a strong leadership team who are held to account for successfully leading sections of the school.
Review the use of the timetable, and the school day, including assemblies and the examination timetable in order to maximise learning time.
Strengthen the role of the board to provide support and challenge, holding leaders to account for improvement and success.
Develop a target setting processes which establishes ambition for all pupils and students across the school.
Strengthen links with the community and parents using the school for lifelong learning.