School Life
MOREA when you look at schools, ask about the kinds of studies that they offer. Some schools are academic, aimed at teaching children plan. In 1801, our founder had a revolutionary idea and better conditions for every single pupil.
Visit our school and speak with our parents and staff for a more. to educate and empower young women. Vision of education inspire us today.
To create a society where people are placed at the centre of all development initiatives ensuring social justice.
KHS while having changed and grown in structure over the last century, maintains the progressive mission and inclusive values from its founding—values that have made the school an incredibly special and unique place throughout the years.
Inside The Classroom we have the best faculty that inspire, mentor and guide our students on their academic journey.on their academic journeyon their academic journey
Our Alumni is living across the country and have grown up by starting their own businesses, starring in films, practicing law and medicine working for community nonprofits.
Get in touch with us to discuss it certified known teacher and much more confind and choose limit.